by Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | May 26, 2022
Lesson 6 – Data processing Data processing is crucial to any research program even the best-designed questionnaire cannot make up for data that is incorrect or incomplete. The amount of data that is generated in the various industries could be overwhelming for Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | May 24, 2022
Lesson 5 – Using the internet for research There are many ways to locate information on the Internet. Common strategies for finding and using information on the Internet include Going Directly to a Known Site Looking Locally Using Internet Directories Using Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | May 17, 2022
Lesson 4 – Data collection techniques Data-collection techniques allow us to systematically collect information about our objects of study (people, objects, phenomena) and about the settings in which they occur. In the collection of data we have to be systematic. Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | May 17, 2022
Lesson 3 – Research Methods and sources There are two main sources of market research information: A. PRIMARY RESEARCH This kind of research involves the collection of new information by conducting market surveys, telephonic interviews, questionnaires and focus Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | May 17, 2022
Lesson 2 – Planning a research The first step in a research, as mentioned earlier is to plan for the research. The research plan is used as the road map to be followed when conducting the research. The research plan is important in that it;• It clears some grey areas...We distribute our e-newsletter containing news, views, events and highlights twice a year. Subscribe below.
CTSB | Cape Town Society for the Blind