by Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 15, 2022
Lesson 10 – Obtaining information from a website Most websites allows the user to download certain documents, music and graphics. Downloading is the process of copying a file (such as a game or utility) from a website to a computer or external storage Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 15, 2022
Lesson 9 – Using the search engine In this section we shall look at how to use Google and Yahoo search engines. GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE Google is the most popular search engine in the world. But while so many people use it, few actually get formal instructions on how Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 15, 2022
Lesson 8 – Navigate on the internet The browser allows the user to navigate the webpage. For example we want to visit UN home page. UN web address is Locate address bar (indicated with red arrow) now type in the full web page address into Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 15, 2022
Lesson 7 – Customising the view and preferences of a browser TOOLBARS Internet Explorer features customizable toolbars to help you navigate the Web. Below are the toolbars featured in IE 5. The Standard buttons bar displays commonly used buttons such as the Back, Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 11, 2022
Lesson 6 – Connecting to the internet Every computer that is connected to the Internet is part of a network, even the one in your home. For example, you may use a modem and dial a local number to connect to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). At work, you may be...We distribute our e-newsletter containing news, views, events and highlights twice a year. Subscribe below.
CTSB | Cape Town Society for the Blind