by Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 22, 2022
Lesson 6 – Sorting and searching for records in a table Access 2010 gives you the ability to work with enormous amounts of data, which means it can be hard to learn anything about your database just by glancing at it. Sorting and filtering are two tools that let Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 22, 2022
Lesson 5 – Modifying tables After working with your database, you might find that you need to make some changes to the tables that store your data. Access makes it easy to modify your tables to suit your database’s needs. In this lesson explains how to Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 22, 2022
Lesson 4 – Entering data in a table A table is a database object that you use to store data about a particular subject, such as employees or products. A table consists of records and fields. Each record contains data about one instance of the table subject, such as Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 21, 2022
Lesson 3 – Producing and editing database table Databases in Access 2010 are composed of four objects: tables, queries, forms, and reports. Together, these objects allow you to enter, store, analyze, and compile your data as you wish. Tables, queries, forms, Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jun 21, 2022
Lesson 2 – Opening and saving a database Think about all the information we encounter on a typical day that might be organized by a database. For example, if you go shopping at a department store for a toaster, the store inventory of products is information that...We distribute our e-newsletter containing news, views, events and highlights twice a year. Subscribe below.
CTSB | Cape Town Society for the Blind