by Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jul 8, 2022
Lesson 6 – Adjusting the view and preferences of email application The Ribbon The tabbed Ribbon system was introduced in Outlook 2010 to replace traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. You will use these tabs Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jul 8, 2022
Lesson 5– Formatting email messages Move Messages between emails/folders Click the message you want to move. Drag the message to the target folder. Or click Move on the Home tab of the ribbon. Select the target folder You can copy a message rather than move it, Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jul 8, 2022
Lesson 4– Printing email messages Print e-mail messages or specific text within an E-mail message You can print individual items, such as e-mail messages, contacts, or calendar items, or larger views, such as calendars, address books, or content lists of Mail Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jul 8, 2022
Lesson 3 – Receiving and responding to email To read an Email On the left is the email folder pane. By clicking on the Inbox, you can see your newly arrived email, email which you have not yet moved to a folder or deleted and the senders of the emails. Note that Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Jul 7, 2022
Lesson 2- Creating and Sending Email By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to: Identify the parts of the email message window Compose and send an email message Receive new email messages The Email Client Window Today’s powerful email clients...We distribute our e-newsletter containing news, views, events and highlights twice a year. Subscribe below.
CTSB | Cape Town Society for the Blind