by Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Aug 7, 2022
Lesson 5 – Format a column in a document One can insert headings, text boxes and link two text boxes when using columns in Microsoft word 2010. Inserting a heading If you want a heading to span all of your columns, you need only leave it in the Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Aug 7, 2022
Lesson 4 – Create and edit column Columns are used in many types of documents, but are most commonly used in newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and newsletters. In this lesson you will learn how to insert columns into a document, edit columns and create Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Aug 7, 2022
Lesson 3 – Formatting tables After you create a table, Microsoft Office Word 2010 offers you many ways to format that table. You can create a custom look for tables by splitting or merging cells, adding or deleting columns or rows, or adding borders. Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Aug 7, 2022
Lesson 2 – Creating and editing tables In Word, you can create a blank table, convert text to a table, and apply a variety of styles and formats to existing tables. Inserting a table To Insert a Blank Table: Place your insertion point in the Cape Town Sociality for the Blind | Aug 5, 2022
Lesson 1 – Introduction to tables Word 2010, part of the Microsoft Office 2010 suite, has many built-in features that can enhance your documents and the manner in which you communicate information to your audience. One of the most common and yet still useful features...We distribute our e-newsletter containing news, views, events and highlights twice a year. Subscribe below.
CTSB | Cape Town Society for the Blind