by CTSB Course Admin | Sep 12, 2022
SECTION 2: Language structures and features. Specific Outcome On completion of this section you will be able to use language structures and features. Assessment Criteria On completion of this section you will be able to: Ensure meaning is clearly CTSB Course Admin | Sep 2, 2022
SECTION 1: Write for a specified audience and purpose. Specific Outcome On completion of this section you will be able to write for a specific audience and purpose. Assessment Criteria On completion of this section you will be able to: Understand the CTSB Course Admin | Aug 30, 2022
SECTION 4: Verification or reported information Specific Outcome Liase with relevant parties and verify that reported information is in accordance with requirements. Assessment Criteria This specific outcome shall cover: A table is compiled listing each of CTSB Course Admin | Aug 30, 2022
SECTION 3: Report compilation Specific Outcome Compile reports related to a selected business function. Assessment Criteria This specific outcome shall cover: The identified reports are compiled using current information. (SO 3, AC 1) The report CTSB Course Admin | Aug 30, 2022
SECTION 2: Collection of information for report writing. Specific Outcome Identify information sources & organisational procedures for obtaining & distributing information. Assessment Criteria This specific outcome shall cover: The identified...We distribute our e-newsletter containing news, views, events and highlights twice a year. Subscribe below.
CTSB | Cape Town Society for the Blind