by Willem | Jan 26, 2022
7.1 How do I use WhatsApp? Find the application on the home screen or find it in the apps list. Ge to the apps list by finding the apps button on the home screen and double tap it with one finger, the apps list will now be shown, find the WhatsApp app in the apps Willem | Jan 26, 2022
6.1 How do I use the My Files/ File Manager App? Find the application either on the home screen or by finding it the apps list. To get to the apps list find the apps button on the screen and double tap it with one finger, the app you are looking for [TapTapSee] Willem | Jan 26, 2022
5.1 How do I use Settings App? Find the settings icon on the home screen or choose it from the apps list when first finding the apps button on the screen and looking for settings in the list. Once the app is open, at the top you will get to a settings heading, Willem | Jan 26, 2022
4.1 How do I use the Phone? Find the phone application on the home screen or find the apps button on the screen and double tap it to open all the apps and look for the phone app in the list of apps. The most important buttons here are speed dial, recents and Willem | Jan 26, 2022
3.1 How do I use the Calculator? Find the application either on the home screen or by double tapping the apps button with one finger and selecting calculator from the apps list. Once the app is open you will be landed on the edit box [where the result will be...We distribute our e-newsletter containing news, views, events and highlights twice a year. Subscribe below.
CTSB | Cape Town Society for the Blind